Teahouse ETH Vault

Risk Category: Low

Vault Information

Maximum Fund Size: 1,000 $ETH Asset Token: $ETH ShareToken: $TeaETH $TeaETH Token contract Address: Deposit and Withdrawal Period: Fridays 12:00 UTC+8 – Thursdays 12:00 UTC+8 Locked Period: Thursdays 12:00 UTC+8 – Fridays 12:00 UTC+8


This strategy aims to earn ETH by building a portfolio with ETH-derivative assets, including through ETH options trading, Liquity arbitrage, and yield farming. Risk-reward balance is achieved by portfolio theory using diversification and efficient frontier methods. We balance the risk and return by manipulating the weight of each strategy in the portfolio, targeting a 15% return with a 5% risk.

Please refer to Strategy Design for additional information.

Entry Requirements & Procedure

  1. Must be a Teahouse HighTable OG or HighTable VIP NFT holder to participate in this fund. Non-holder whales with over 30K $USDC can open a ticket in Discord to discuss options.

  2. Teahouse Hosts have put together a guide to walk users through how to deposit & withdraw funds.

  3. If you request to deposit $ETH during Round X, your funds will enter the strategy in Round X+1, and you can claim $TeaETH in Round X+1 (or later).

  4. The earliest you can request to redeem $TeaETH into $ETH will be in Round X+1, for the funds to be removed from the strategy in Round X+2. You will be able to claim the corresponding $ETH to your wallet in Round X+2.

  5. If you do not redeem $TeaETH into $ETH, your funds will automatically continue into the following Rounds.


Third-Party Smart Contracts

Teahouse team has reviewed the smart contracts and/or their audit reports for various DeFi protocols used and confirmed that the smart contracts are authentic. Where applicable, third-party project owners have rectified issues found in the audit reports.

Market Conditions

Teahouse actively monitors the two main health factors of lending and staking protocols used: reserve level and protocol token price. In case of abnormal price volatility, the managed asset could experience a negative return.


Teahouse will assess Platform Fees, Management Fees, and Performance Fees for this strategy:

Platform Fees

0.1% to enter, 0.2% to exit.

e.g. I initially invested 1 $ETH, and upon exit, I have 1.5 $ETH. I will have paid 1 * 0.1% = 0.001 $ETH at entry and 1.5 * 0.2% = 0.003 $ETH at exit, for a total platform fee of 0.004 $ETH.

Management Fees

1.7% APY for Teahouse using exit value.

e.g. I invested 1 $ETH, and 1 week later, $TeaETH Token value increased to 150% of the original. When exiting after a week, I will incur 1.7% * 1.5 $ETH * 1/52 = 0.00049038461 $ETH. Alternatively, if it takes a full year to reach 150%, then I will incur 1.7% * 1.5 $ETH = 0.0255 $ETH.

Performance Fees

10% of profits made.


Your friendly Teahouse Hosts would like to remind you that nothing contained on this website should be construed as financial advice. Teahouse makes no guarantees, express or implied. Please note the high-volatility nature of cryptocurrencies and DYOR. Be responsible for your actions and beware of scams.

Last updated